Friday, April 9, 2021

Why do we worship? And do we have to stand up to do it?

What is worship? Why do we worship? Do we have to stand up to worship?

The answers to those questions depend on if you are compartmentalizing worship into an activity or if you see it from the biblical perspective. At its best, worship demonstrates our love and faith in God. It also describes and illustrates our relationship with Him.

Often, when people talk about worship, they are thinking of music, but worship takes many forms. It is our tithe, our words, our actions, and our love for each other. In the book of Matthew, Jesus taught the disciples that whenever they take care of others with love, they are doing that same action to Him. You could call those actions “worship” (Matthew 25:36-40).

I grew up going to church every Sunday with my big family (there were 10 of us!). At Sunday dinner, our dad expected us to have listened to that morning’s sermon so that we could discuss it around the table. When I was 12, I began to learn to play the flute and, very soon after that, I volunteered to be an instrumentalist for our church choir. I didn't know it at the time, but I was terrible! I was just so thrilled to be making music (or a facsimile, thereof) in church. I might've sounded terrible, but I loved worshiping God and I still do. Today, 44 years later, I still play several instruments at church. Even if I didn’t have that public outlet, I would worship God with music at home by myself. It’s the best way I know how to worship Him.

Over the years, though, I’ve learned other ways to show God my love. When I was a young mother, I felt isolated from the weekly musical worship. We were transitioning from one church to another and I wasn’t involved in a worship team at the time. Besides, I was too busy with sleep and nap schedules, feedings, and diaper changes. One day, as I rocked our daughter to sleep, I called out to God because I missed playing music for him. I had compartmentalized my worship of Him into that one activity. In my heart, I felt God say to me, “Paula, what you are doing now…rocking Laura to sleep…is worship of me. You’re caring for your family and that gives me great delight.” It is a moment I have never forgotten, and I will treasure it always.

In the Bible, God makes it clear that He made us to worship Him (John 4:23-24). That's why we feel 
the best, and most at peace, when we take time to be in His presence and give Him glory, even if that occurs in our car, kitchen, or church sanctuary. From God's perspective, we are His children, dancing and rejoicing in His presence. He loves it! Our worship rises to Him like a fragrant incense. It is pleasing to Him.

"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs."  Psalm 100:1

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."   John 4:23-24

Paula Aiton is a member of Koinonia Church and a freelance writer, musician and artist. 

Her blog, God’s Glory Girl, can be found at

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