Friday, August 6, 2021


I do all of the general maintenance on our vehicles. I wouldn’t say I’m a car guy, but over the years I’ve learned a few things. For example, I learned to no longer buy blinker fluid.


My first car was a 1997 VW Jetta. It was old, not everything worked, and the paint was chipping in certain areas, but – and this is the most important part – it was mine. It was on this car that I learned how to do general maintenance. I still miss that white, 5-speed stick shift clunk of German engineering to this day. I had friends and family at the time who had newer cars that had functional AC and all of their hubcaps, but I was content with my car. I would even say I was happy! 


Content simply means “in a state of peaceful happiness”. Contentment is something that we really don’t see nowadays. There’s always the new phone, the new TV, the new and improved blender, the cars that park themselves, and so many other gadgets and gizmos that are constantly grabbing our attention. It’s no wonder that the Bible has something to say on this matter:


“A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.” -Proverbs 14:30 ESV


I understand that this may seem like an odd verse, especially with our “always stay hungry” and “never be satisfied” culture. Don’t get me wrong, I do admire that ambition, but there’s something to be said about taking a moment to pause, reflect, and be satisfied with where you are and the work that you’ve accomplished. If we’re to follow God‘s example, on the seventh day of creation, He rested! Not because He needed to rest, but maybe He was trying to show us an example of resting, of taking inventory of our lives, looking at the work of our hands, and taking time for appreciation. 


I used to always want the newest gadget, the shiniest toy, or the latest feature on the newest phones. But the problem with stuff is that there’s always new stuff coming out. It’s foolish to think that we can try to keep up with the latest trends, fashions, or with the Joneses. Yet, we continue to do so, rarely taking the time to appreciate what God has taken us through and where He’s placed us. 


Being content doesn’t only have to deal with things. How many of us are telling ourselves, “I’ll be happy as soon as I get that job”, or something similar? Being content is also finding peace where you currently are. Your happiness is not defined by a future action, you can find joy where you are today. Don’t believe me? Read Psalms 23.


Ask yourself, are you content where you are? Or with what you have? God has shown me at a very young age that seasons come and go, that everything can change in one instant. It’s for this reason that I thank Him every day for where I am, fully acknowledging that it’s His will and timing. Since God has placed me in my position, I will not envy the work of others, but I will be content and effective where I am.


I encourage you to take a moment to pause, reflect on what God has brought you through, ask for His peace for your current situation, and trust that a new season is soon approaching.


Mauricio Paredes

Youth Pastor

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