Tuesday, December 14, 2021

We're All Weird

I recently had opportunities to interact with people who are not in my usual circle of day-to-day life. Some of them were very different from me in the way they dressed, talked, worshiped and behaved. I would even go so far as to say some of them were a bit ‘weird’. I watched and tried not to judge. Next, I used the occasion to appreciate their uniqueness. Then, I asked myself, ‘What is weird? What is normal?” Ironically, one of my social media pages has a heading that says, “There’s no such thing as normal.”

The dictionary defines ‘weird’ as: strange, odd, bizarre. Yes, those words would definitely fit some of the people I was around. But strange, odd and bizarre as compared to what? They are not strange, odd and bizarre in their own circles. God probably doesn’t see them that way, either. Is it only my viewpoint?

I believe I have a healthy understanding of how God sees each of us. He views each person on earth as His beloved son or daughter, perfectly created in His image. He created us and has known us since we were conceived. He created us on purpose and for a purpose on earth. His love is not dependent on if we love Him, or if we behave ourselves or, actually, anything. He just LOVES US. Period. 

Think about how we see our own sons or daughters. We love them unconditionally no matter their appearance, their personality, their behavior, or even if they are a bit ‘weird’. They are ours and they are precious to us! 

I am often reminded that I view life, and other people, from the perspective of my limited and, often, naïve bubble. I am constantly surprised by the appearance, personality and behavior of others. The world would be so boring if there was only one singular type of person populating it. Who knows? Maybe I’m the weird one.

Would we be better citizens of Earth if we humbled ourselves to accept, and even value and appreciate, the differences amongst us? Would we be better followers of Christ if we looked upon others through God’s eyes? I believe the answer is ‘yes’. How would seeing others through God’s eyes alter our viewpoint of those we find a bit ‘weird’? 

God intends for us to be brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and friends to those on this planet. Even if they have different skin, politics, education, finances and peculiarities. Time and time again, in his Holy Word, He reminds us to “Above all, love each other deeply” (1 Peter 4:8), “Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12), and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:18) to name only a few.

During this holiday season, I pray that we will all be a little more tolerant, patient, and giving to others. But let’s go a step further. Let’s take our holiday cheer beyond Christmas and put on the eyes of God when it comes to the colorful people who surround us. Let’s choose to not be easily offended, to not judge, and to not be limited in our ideals of normal. Let’s just appreciate the variety around us and pray others love and accept us – even if we’re weird to them.

Sylvia Gaston

Family Ministry Pastor 

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