Friday, November 1, 2002

Hidden Potential

by Blake Cromwell

There is an old story that tells of Michelangelo, the great sculptor, pushing a block of granite down the street. A curious neighbor sitting lazily on the porch of his house called out to him and asked what he was doing with the old piece of stone. Michelangelo is reported to have answered, "Because there is an angel in this rock that wants to come out.”

The hidden potential of the people all around us is incredible, but we are often deceived by their rough exterior. If we could only see each person’s God-given destiny it would motivate us to do all we could to help them fulfill it. When people truly discover their destiny everyone benefits.

My belief is that all we need to live wonderful lives is now here on planet earth. God has gifted us with all the tools necessary for success in life. I believe the cure for cancer is hidden inside the mind of a child who is waiting to be developed. I believe that if you and I help others, then all of us can begin uncover and enjoy God’s gifts to their fullest. Like the story of Michelangelo who chipped away at the stone to uncover the angel in the rock, we too must seek to unlock the potential of people all around us.

When we help others we bless ourselves and our Father in heaven. No service is too small. Jesus said even “a cup of cold water would be rewarded” if given in His service.

Several years ago two teenage boys tried to come into a church service one evening only to find it packed out and with no empty seats. The two boys turned to leave because they couldn’t find a seat. A concerned usher stopped them and escorted them down towards the front of the auditorium and found them two seats. That night both of those boys accepted Christ. One of them was Billy Graham. Do you think that usher is going to get any credit in heaven? I’ll say! We have no idea of the significance of the small acts of service we do for others.

Jesus died for our sins and started the church that is to be His physical witness on planet earth. He has given us the responsibility to be His hands and feet to those around us. Our job is to see the potential in others and point them to Christ where their true fulfillment can be found. When we live self-centered lives we miss God’s highest.

This week I am asking the Father to give me His eyes to see what He sees in the people in our Valley. The Bible teaches us that people can have a hard heart yet there are God given gifts in every hard heart. That hard heart needs someone to help it find the great sculptor, Jesus, who can unlock that great gift.

Just think, this week in our churches in the Kings County another young man like Billy Graham might be looking for a seat. Let’s all do an S-O-S (scoot over some) and help to unlock the greatness in every heart.

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