Saturday, May 5, 2012

Go According to Plan

by Tim Howard
I’ve appreciated Acts 17:24-29 for many years because it teaches us that God has a plan for us. He doesn’t plan as he goes but goes according to his plan.
Acts 17: 24-29, "The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn't live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn't take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don't make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark. We can actually find him. He doesn't play hide-and-seek with us. He's not remote; he's near. We live and move in him, can't get away from him! One of your poets said it well: 'We're the God-created.' Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn't make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it? MSG
God can’t be contained in any church facility. No matter how beautiful or architecturally unique, God is bigger than buildings. David said it well in Psalms 50 when he declared God is greater than the universe! That’s why he challenges his people to go beyond the walls. Reach out to the neighborhood. Help the community. Invest in the future of our nation. Touch every people group with God’s love.
His plan for you involves more than gathering together on Sunday or one specific day of a week to talk about him. His plan is to use you as a resource for helping solve the pressing challenges of our day. 
Notice that God doesn’t need you, as if he can’t take care of things himself. He involves you in his plan because your fulfillment in this life is connected to your fulfilling your purpose. Many try to find fulfillment through pleasure but God reveals it is only found when we understand our purpose and his plan for our lives. Wise is the person who does what God directs.
Nike’s highly recognized trademark is “Just Do It” but in order to do God’s will and fulfill the purpose we must first ‘see’ it.
You may be familiar with the consummate passage on vision: “Where there is no vision the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18; KJV) Both the NKJV and the NIV use the word “revelation” in place of “vision” and the words “cast off restraint” in place of “perish”. Whatever words you use the conclusion is the same. Serious consequences follow those who don’t see (vision) what God sees and then act upon it.
Some consequences are spiritual lethargy, relational confusion, rampant carnality, and stagnant growth or declining zeal with regards to life. We tend to merely survive rather than thrive.
People need a vision but that vision must be revelatory in nature and given by God rather than acquired by methodology. Vision isn’t just seeing out ahead, it also sees or knows what to do with what is seen ahead. 
What is your purpose? If you left town, would anybody notice? Do you have a plan to reach the goals God has established for you? Do you see how important you are to those who need what you have to give? It’s well worth the effort to discover your design and destiny. There is great reward for you and others when you fulfill your purpose.

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