Saturday, July 21, 2012

Keep On Keeping On

by Andrew Cromwell

We’ve all seen the cartoonish depiction of the frog who is choking the neck of the stork even while he is being swallowed whole. The caption reads “Never Give Up.” There is something about that image that speaks to us because we frequently need to be reminded to keep fighting and never quit.

Life is difficult. I’m not saying that it doesn’t have its wonderful moments, but because we live in a fallen world, death, disappointment and disease are part of our reality. Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we think they should. Sometimes that job doesn’t work out. Sometimes people let us down (or we let them down). And sometimes tragedy strikes.

But have you noticed that there are some people who just keep floating to the top? Life might throw them in the drink again and again, yet they find a way to float back up and start again. I believe it is these people, more often than not, that in the end are the winners in life. They have learned the secret of not giving up. If life deals them a bad hand, they take the blow, shake it off and get up and move on again.

Too many people quit too early. They get discouraged—and we all understand why—because the wait is too long or the pain too intense or the cost is too high. But when you quit you take yourself out of the race and only the ones who stay in win the medals.

There is an interesting passage in the book of Ephesians where the Apostle Paul talks about the battle of life. He says, “and when you have done all else, stand.” Listen, sometimes you have done all the work, you have paid all the bills, you have talked to the right people and you have put in the time—but you are still not seeing the victory. That is not the moment to give up, that is the moment to stand. Don’t sit down and don’t turn your back or walk away. Keep on keeping on.

What is it that you are tempted to give up on right now in your life? The dream of your college degree? The beauty of a love-filled marriage? The joy of a significant relationship with your kids? Success at your work? Don’t give up just yet! Keep pressing, keep trying, keep working—victory is around the corner!

The best news is that Father God wants to see you find victory as well, and the greatest joy is discovering that true success can only be found through and in Him. The pastors of Kings County would love to encourage you and your family to keep on keeping on this weekend. Why don’t you visit one of the many wonderful churches in our community....don’t give up just yet!

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