Saturday, January 12, 2013

Identity Check

by Tim Howard

Identity theft is a major problem and a serious crime.

It happens when someone steals your personal information and uses it without your permission. They pretend to be you! It’s a serious crime that can wreak havoc with your finances, credit history, and reputation — and can take time, money, and patience to resolve. I know because it happened to me.

We all have an identity and when we forget or lose track of who we are, the havoc created can go far beyond finances. If I forget I am a husband, if I forget I am a Pastor, if I forget I am a father of two and a grandfather to one, devastating decisions can be made and lasting ramifications experienced.

Our distinctiveness is evidenced in our fingerprints and not merely our names. Our personal DNA speaks about who we are and identifies our uniqueness in the midst of 7 billion people. Failing to understand your identity: ‘who you are’ and your purpose: ‘what you are called to do,’ will result in busyness but no real progress or accomplishment.

King Solomon put it this way in one of his Proverbs: If people can’t see who they are and what God wants them to do, they stumble all over themselves and run in circles. When you know who you are, however, you know what you are to do.

 When people are uncertain of their identity and purpose, they miss out on what God has for them—just ask Moses. Having led the Israelites out of Egypt, he was unable to take them to the next level. Even though he was one of the greatest leaders of his time, he couldn’t take them into the Promised Land, because they weren’t confident in their calling. Rather than seeing themselves as God’s chosen, they decided they were inferior when compared to those currently settled in the land. That uncertainty took the Israelites on a 40-year detour. A lack of identity stalled the establishing of God’s kingdom and the fulfillment of their purpose.
In our culture we tend to seek fulfillment through pleasure. Maybe that’s because we have forgotten the identity of our creator and the purpose to which he has called us. If you seek to find happiness through pleasure, I fear you will sing that old Rolling Stones song: ‘I can’t get no satisfaction.’ For those who have chosen to follow Christ, they are challenged to seek satisfaction through fulfilling their purpose.

God created you and knows you best. His plan for you still remains. You are special to him and He has something significant for you in 2013. He doesn’t want you to miss it.

 A friend of mine showed me something that his new I-phone 5 could do. He pressed a button and then asked this question. “ What is your purpose?” The phone responded by saying:  “I’m here to help. Just ask… and I’ll show you what I can do.” Then my friend asked: “Who created you?” the phone responded,

“I Siri was designed by Apple…”

If this technological machine knows who made her and what her purpose is, how much more must we! Who do you think you are?

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