Thursday, April 18, 2013

Please Listen

by Tim Howard

Have you ever tried talking to someone who didn’t want to listen? This is often the case with my grandson Drew! When I try to help him with a problem, 99% of the time he makes it very clear he doesn’t need my assistance. “I’m just trying to help you,” I respond… “Please listen.” 
I’m sure a lot of parents and grandparents have similar experiences so I don’t feel totally weird or alone. At least that’s what I tell myself!
Jesus said: “Listen!” when He told a parable in Mark 4. He used this term because the story being told was very important. Pay attention, hear what is being spoken, don’t miss what I’m about to say because your vibrancy, growth and quality of life depend upon it.
He then goes on to talk about four responses people make to truth and what happens as a result. This narrative is found in Mark 4:1-24.
The first group Jesus identifies is those who don’t want to listen. They are ‘unreceptive’ to truth. I call them the ‘I couldn’t care less listener.’ When truth is spoken, it’s goes in one ear and right out the other. 
Unreceptive means to be closed-minded. This type of person makes no attempt to take truth in, reflect on it, understand it or accept it.  In doing so, a hardness of heart sets in. The soil of their lives becomes like ‘hardpan.’
LISTEN: You don’t want to be this type of person because little grows in hardpan soil. Hardheaded people and hardhearted people are impervious to input, resistant to truth and stuck in their ways.
The second group is those who respond with their emotions. They don’t listen with their mind but their feelings. Your emotions can be a wonderful asset to your life but they will not always guide you in making the best decisions.
LISTEN: You don’t want to be this type of person because you will become very shallow in your approach to life. When trouble comes, you will run. Maturity will elude you and growth will be stifled. 
A third group is those who offer a half-hearted response to truth. They listen but they aren’t really hearing. My wife says that about me! They get distracted!  Worries of life, the quest for more money and the desires for material things keep them from focusing.  
LISTEN: You don’t want to be this type of person because this type of listening acts likes weeds and chokes out the important things of life.
The last group Jesus mentions is those who are open and responsive. This type of person practices active listening, isn’t gullible but open, accepts truth, listens intently and plants truth in their heart. They also listen with the intent of obeying. The result: A great harvest of fruit. 
LISTEN: This is the type of person you want to be like because you will bear much fruit.
What kind of fruit can you expect? If you open God’s word to Galatians 5:22-23 you will find some fruit God mentions. Your love will grow stronger. Your joy will increase, peace will abide, kindness will overflow, patience will be demonstrated, Self-control will be experienced and a host of other things will grow. 
Jesus talked to a lot of people. Some wanted to listen, others wanted to argue and still others didn’t want to hear anything He had to say. Please Listen! Eternity is at stake and the quality of your life can increase. 

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