Saturday, April 12, 2014

Leaders Needed

by Tim Howard

There are many leaders but not all are worth following.

The Bible has many leadership stories – some talk about great leaders and some not so great. From a Biblical perspective, Godly leaders are instructed to treat people with dignity, lead with integrity and set the ‘bar’ higher for themselves than they do for others. In the New Testament we are told: “Don’t be in any rush to become a leader, my friends. Teaching others the way to live is a highly responsible work. Leaders are held to the strictest standards.”

If one does aspire to become a leader, however, he or she ought to know some of the advantages and disadvantages.

When you are a leader you have three advantages. First you have a POSITION that allows you to become more recognizable and affords a greater opportunity for growth. Second: with position comes POWER, which means he or she can do more. Third: A leader has certain PRIVILEGES, which means he or she can have more. With position you can become more – with power you can do more and with privilege you can have more.

 These are great things but attached to these three advantages are three temptations. Thomas Carlyle once said, "For every one hundred people who can handle adversity there is only one who can handle prosperity."  I think most people can't handle being at the top.  When they get into a leadership role it changes them.  In fact, success destroys some people.

Three Temptations Great Leaders Recognize and Overcome

1.  Leaders will be tempted to misuse their position. 
Have you ever had a friend who got a promotion and suddenly became a little dictator. You thought you knew them but their position went to their head and they started to think more highly of themselves than they should. They were nice until they got the promotion.  Then they start treating everybody in a demeaning way, making excessive demands on people. They are guilty of misusing their position.

2.  Leaders will be tempted to abuse their power.
In the Reagan administration there were over 200 government officials that left office because of ethical problems.  They abused their power! How many times has that been repeated over the past 25 years since his presidency – not to mention the centuries preceding? "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  When leaders misuse their position and abuse their power, everyone hurts. None of us likes to work for a domineering leader - the ones who never take time to explain why they've asked us to do something.  The favorite phrase of a domineering leader is "You do it because I've said so!" 

Mark 10:42  “You’ve observed how godless rulers throw their weight around,” Jesus said, “and when people get a little power how quickly it goes to their heads.

Mark 10:43  It’s not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant.”

3.  Leaders will be tempted to profit from their privileges. 
In our society, "Membership has its privileges." So does leadership.  Usually they're paid more, have more benefits, exercise more freedom with their schedule and have an expense account.  Maybe that’s why the Apostle Peter said to not allow monetary gain be your main reason for leading. 

If you are a leader: 1. Don’t think more highly of your self than you should. 2. Remember the power given you is to serve others – not yourself. 3. Hold yourself accountable to the people who provide your current privileges. We need some good leaders!

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