Saturday, July 25, 2015

Overcoming Worry

by Andrew Cromwell

It is said,“worry is the darkroom where negatives are developed.”   You know how it goes, you begin to focus on an issue or relationship that you are concerned about, and before you know it your stomach is in knots, you are feeling depressed and you’re in exactly the same position you were before you started to worry.  The negatives have been fully developed!

According to a University of Michigan study, of the things we worry about:
60% will never happen
20% are in our past and out of our control
10% are about insignificant little things.  

Of the remaining 10%, only 4-5% of the things we worry about are real and justifiable.

If this is true, we waste a lot of time worrying!  But it is worse than that.  When we worry we place ourselves in a mental state that is actually harmful to our body.  Worry has been shown to cause mental and emotional fatigue, high blood pressure, heart problems, poor memory, ulcers, headaches, insomnia, backaches and many other medical conditions. 

Even more importantly, though, when we worry we demonstrate our lack of faith in God.  Let me be clear about this.  Worry is not having one fearful thought about the fact that something negative may happen.  Instead, it is the decision to continually return to an area of concern and to allow our imagination to paint pictures of negativity and fear.

When we worry, we make a decision to ignore what God says and focus on our fears.  God says that He will work out everything for the good of those who love Him and walk according to His purpose.  We either believe God or we choose to worry.  You can’t do both at the same time. 

God says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Worry says, “but what if I make a fool of myself.”  God says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Worry says, “God can’t love me because of what I’ve done.”  God says, “My God shall supply all my needs.”  Worry says, “I don’t know how I’m going to make ends meet this month.”

God and worry are always in opposition to one another.  They will never agree on anything.  The question is, who are we going to believe, God or worry?  God is a God of peace, not of worry.  So the next time you begin to worry, try this instead:

Focus on praising God not on your circumstances.
Remind yourself of God’s love and of the truths of His Word.
Chose to think God thoughts rather than worry thoughts.
Decide to follow Him, He will always lead you away from worry!

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