Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Struggling For Perspective

I’ll be honest, I’m frustrated.

But maybe not in the ways you might think. Sure, I’m feeling the stress of the pandemic and of the state of U.S. politics. And, of course, my heart breaks for all the division, hatred, and ugliness we’ve seen around us. It’s been taking a toll on me, affecting my disposition, and sometimes making me cynical or hard-hearted.


And that’s what frustrates me. But I’m not frustrated with the things that are causing me to feel this way. I’m frustrated with myself for letting them. 


Because as a follower of Christ, my hope, my joy, and my peace are not dependent on the circumstances around me. At least they shouldn’t be. So why am I struggling to keep my perspective? Why are these temporary things living rent-free in my heart and mind? Why are they becoming the biggest, most significant things to me?


The answer is simple, even if it’s hard to admit. These things are determining my emotional health because these things are where I have placed most of my focus. Do you see now why I’m frustrated with myself?


I’m the one who chooses what I will fill myself with each day. And whatever I put in will determine how I feel and how I function. It’s no wonder I’m angry, cynical, and hopeless. All I’ve been doing is looking at the here and now. And yeah, things aren’t so great. But what does the here and now have to do with my hope for the future? If I keep myself filled with God’s word by reading my Bible, and I keep myself filled with His Holy Spirit by spending time alone with Him, then my perspective becomes much bigger than all that.


The things of our Father’s eternal Kingdom should make up the majority of what we consume and dwell on. But it’s so easy to get out of balance because of the sheer volume (in this case, meaning both the quantity and the loudness) of competing sources. And it’s not enough just to say “well, I’ll have to read my Bible a little more” because when I look at my phone’s battery usage statistics I can see that as of 12pm today I’ve already consumed almost an hour and a half of the world through news websites, videos, and social media! Have I prayed or read my bible for 90 minutes today? 


I don’t think we even realize how much we’re taking in. It’s deceptive because it comes in small doses divided over multiple sources and spaced throughout our entire day. But there’s no way we can bring it into balance simply by upping our time with God. We also need to silence a huge amount of the other stuff, or we’ll never keep up in this battle. And make no mistake, this is a battle - for your time, your attention, the condition of your heart, and the health of your mind and emotions. All of these things are what ultimately determine the course of your life, the closeness of your walk with Jesus, and the fruitfulness of your faith.


Where is your focus? And how is it working for you?


“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.” Philippians 4:8


“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2


Bryan Vickers
Worship Pastor

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