Saturday, July 16, 2011


by Andrew Cromwell

Each one of us has a powerful God-given ability. But more often than not we fail to realize the great gift that is resident
within each of us. We have the power to see people and situations through the lenses of possibility and potential. We can look beyond their limitations and failures, through the imperfections of the present, and see through eyes of faith.

Eyes of faith give color to what can be a drab, gray world. And it is because this world is often disappointing and reminds us of all the things we cannot do, that eyes of faith are so important. No one need remind us of what we have not done or of what we have tried and failed. We don’t need someone to remind us about our limitations—our lack of education, our relationship screw-ups, our failed attempts at moving forward—we need no help remembering these.

What we need is not a reminder of our failures but of our possibilities. We need someone who will choose to look at us with eyes that see potential. A parent who sees his children and chooses to look beyond the limitations of their age or experience and sees instead the hidden spark. A husband that sees his wife’s true potential hidden under the layers of disappointment that life has placed upon her.

But it is not enough to just see that possibility is present, we have to go one step further. We must call it out. We have to speak into the person’s heart and inspire them to step forward into a new future. Left to ourselves, we often cannot see what others can see. But when someone comes along and says, “You can do it”, we are suddenly lifted on their shoulders to see what we once could not.

What incredible power we have to lift people beyond where they currently are and give them a glimpse into another, better future! Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” When we help people move beyond what they can do in their own strength and encourage them to step into the strength of the One who makes all things possible, then we have stepped into a new dimension—the dimension of God-possibility.

So what type of person are you? Are you the kind that only sees the failures of the past, or do you see the possibilities of the future? Will you choose to look at your life and the lives of others through your own eyes or through the eyes of Christ? The world will be a better place if you do the latter.

The pastors in Kings County would love to help you see the world through eyes of possibility. Why don’t you give them a chance this weekend to encourage you and your family?

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