Saturday, July 9, 2011

Take Out The Trash

by Tim Howard

Recently while talking to a doctor friend about some physical challenges, we began to discus some of the systems in the human body which enable people to live a full life. It was fascinating to hear him share insights into the Digestive System, Respiratory and Circulatory System, Musculoskeletal System and Nervous System. He went on to explain the excretory system It is one of several major body systems designed by God to regulate the volume and molecular and ionic constitution of internal body fluids and eliminates metabolic waste products from the internal environment - In simplified terms, the human excretory system functions to remove waste from the human body. This system may be less glamorous when compared to others yet it too is absolutely necessary.

Don’t laugh! We all have waste. Every household has trash that needs to be removed and that’s true for our personal lives as well.

We all have some garbage laying around due to unhealed hurts, disappointments, painful memories, wounds, broken promises, broken hearts, unmet needs and unresolved issues. If we don’t have a systematic way to dispose of these items, problems tend to grow, emotional sickness often develops and Spiritual growth can be stifled.

Simply stated; life stinks when you don’t remove your trash. The system necessary to experience cleansing is revealed in 1 John 1:9. It says: “…if we confess our sins to God, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.”

When you confess your hurt, your needs, your sin, you bring it into the open. You quit hiding and admit to what’s really going on. You choose to reveal it rather than conceal it. In doing so, you experience forgiveness from God, a cleansing from the stench and a brand new start. In the same way you take your waste container to the curb on the proper day of the week so the waste management department can take it away, we are to bring our contaminants to God. Once a year Kings County gives each homeowner a free trip to the Kings Waste & Recycling Plant but God gives you free access to Himself each and every day.

What needs to be disposed of in your life? What have you been holding on to that is holding you back? Is there any hurt that is in need of forgiveness? Is there a painful memory in need of healing? Why not take out the trash?

The cross is the place where Jesus died for you. He dealt with your personal failures, sins, weaknesses and trash of all types. The cross is the place where sins are forgiven. The cross is the place where you can exchange the old for the new. The cross is the place where you can confess without the fear of being criticized or attacked. God can deal with your garbage! So take your trash to Him.

Why not visit one of the many Church families this weekend in Kings County. They would love to help you experience the forgiving, cleansing, healing and restoring power of Jesus Christ.

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